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The Modern Day Plague

September 24, 2022

What is plaguing the modern world in which we live today?

What is It?

In our world today exists a deadly plague that is no respecter of persons; male and female, young and old, all races, religions, occupations and social statuses are susceptible. Millions are falling victim to it without ever knowing what hit them. People are dying, families are devastated, communities are destroyed. This plague is being spread in school, on the bus, at work, around the mall, in the local grocery store, and at home by means of the computer, smart phone, tablet, cable and satellite TV, DVD's, books, magazines, text messages, verbal conversation, and yes even our own minds. What is it? Pornography.

Lust is the virus behind the global porn plague. Symptoms of lust include, but are not limited to: consumption of soft- and hardcore pornography, compulsive masturbation, sexual addiction, co-dependency, sexting, fornication, prostitution, voyeurism, exhibitionism, physical and emotional infidelity, rape, pedophilia, incest, sex trafficking, STD's, teen pregnancy, abortion, divorce, violence, loss of career, loss of family, loss of self-respect, disrespect and violence toward women, distorted belief about sex and love, depression, drug use, and suicide.

Says who?

Many people just accept pornography use as a part of life and say it is a harmless, fun activity. Some even encourage it by saying it is normal, healthy, and beneficial. So who says it is a plague anyway? Well...

Latter-day Saints ("Mormons")

Boyd K. Packer:

"In our day the dreadful influence of pornography is like unto a plague sweeping across the world, infecting one here and one there, relentlessly trying to invade every home, most frequently through the husband and father. The effect of this plague can be, unfortunately often is, spiritually fatal."
"The priesthood holds consummate power. It can protect you from the plague of
pornography—and it is a plague—if you are succumbing to its influence." (

Gordon B. Hinkley:

"Avoid pornography as you would a plague ." (
"There is an ever-growing
plague of pornography swirling about us." (

Craig A. Cardon:

“Through the enabling and the redeeming power of the Atonement, all those affected in any way by the pernicious plague of pornography may be strengthened to overcome it and be healed of its evil consequences.” (

Spencer W. Kimball:

"Members of the Church everywhere are urged to not only resist the widespread plague of pornography, but as citizens to become actively and relentlessly engaged in the fight against this insidious enemy of humanity around the world.
"And so we say to you: Teach your children to avoid smut as the
plague it is. As citizens, join in the fight against obscenity in your communities. Do not be lulled into inaction by the pornographic profiteers who say that to remove obscenity is to deny people the rights of free choice. Do not let them masquerade licentiousness as liberty." (

Quintin L. Cook:

"We also recognized there is virtually no place on earth that cannot be impacted by salacious, immoral, and titillating images. This is one reason why pornography has become such a plague in our day." (


Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski. M.D:

"I doubt that at any time in our history has there been as grave a threat to the morality of our people and to the stability of the Jewish family as the plague of addiction to internet pornography." (

Tzvi Fishman:

"The Plague of Internet Pornography...Up until now [2006], religious Jewish parents could delude themselves by saying, 'Those statistics are for the Goyim.' But a disturbing article recently published in Israel by a very respected Torah scholar, Rabbi Elisha Aviner, has changed all that. While the article does not cite hard statistics it makes it very clear that the problem has infiltrated the walls of Orthodox Judaism, and that a great many Jewish teenagers are hooked on Internet porn." (


Bishop Loverde:

"In my forty years as a priest, I have seen the evil of pornography spread like a plague throughout our culture. What was once the shameful and occasional vice of the few has become the mainstream entertainment for the many" (


Pastor Jay Dennis:

“'Churches are facing a spiritual battle against a hidden plague that is keeping many believers from fulfilling their part of God’s mission,' said Dennis, pastor of First Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland, Fla. That hidden plague is pornography." (

Other various religious leaders:

"As leaders of churches and synagogues in Florida, we recognize and accept our responsibility to speak clearly and forcefully in condemnation of this contemporary moral
plague. We reject pornography in any form and urge all people in our state to join with us." (

What if I'm not Religious?

Okay, so you might be thinking,
all these quotes are just from a bunch of religious extremists who are prudes and have no credibility in calling pornography a plague. Maybe you are more of a scientific evidence person. No problem, everyday there is more and more scientific research proving just how harmful, addictive, and damaging pornography is. In addition to being spiritually damaging and condemned by God (see Matthew 5:27-30), pornography use has serious physiological, psychological, social, and financial consequences. Some of this information is summarized below.

Relationship Damage

Probably the most affected area of a porn addict’s life is relationships. Studies show that exposure to pornographic material leads to the following:

Greater acceptance of sex before marriage
Having more sex partners
Rating their partners as less attractive
Being less satisfied with their partners sexual performance
Greater desire for sex without emotional involvement
More sex callousness
Trying to get partners to act out scenes from pornographic films
Increasing their estimates of how often people engage in sex with animals
Increasing their estimates of how often people engage in sex with violence
Increasing their estimates of how often people engage in sex in groups
Going to prostitutes
Greater acceptance of sex outside of marriage for married individuals
More likely to have an affair
Using more sexual terms to describe women
Reduced support for the women’s liberation movement
Less child centeredness during marriage
Reduced desire for female children
Believing that you don’t need to restrict pornography from children
More alcohol use
More binge drinking
Engaging in more behavioral aggression
Engaging in marital rape

For a complete list of studies supporting these points, see 

Why is it a Plague?

​The use of pornography, especially when coupled with masturbation, is highly addictive. The flood of powerful chemicals released in your brain while viewing pornographic material has a strong binding effect on your brain and essentially "glue" you to the images. When your brain is repeatedly flooded by these chemicals over time your brain actually changes. Shrinkage of the prefrontal cortex weakens your ability to think rationally, while the part of your brain controlling impulsivity is strengthened.

In addition to porn being addictive, three main factors help it to spread like a plague:

  1. Accessible. ​It can be accessed from your phone in the palm of your hand within seconds.
  2. Affordable. ​Most pornographic material is available free of charge.
  3. ​Anonymous. ​Because it can be accessed from the comfort and convenience of your home, there is no fear of running into a neighbor while walking out of an X-rated movie, or being seen by a coworker in the adult section of a book store, etc.. You do not need to show your face to anyone when accessing porn at home. In many cases, the user is the only mortal being who knows about their use for many years.

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