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Coach Vinny

Hope.  Help.  Healing.


Moral Support Coach

One Day At A Time
Jumpstart Your Recovery FREE Consultation

porn addiction recovery

In our world today exists a deadly plague that is no respecter of persons; male and female, young and old, all races, religions, occupations and social statuses are susceptible. Millions are falling victim to it without ever knowing what hit them. People are dying, families are devastated, communities are destroyed. This plague is being spread in school, on the bus, at work, around the mall, in the local grocery store, and at home by means of the computer, smart phone, tablet, cable and satellite TV, DVD's, books, magazines, text messages, verbal conversation, and yes even our own minds. What is it? Pornography.

Jumpstart Your Recovery

Fortunately, there is a cure. The atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ can heal and forgive all; but not without work on our part. Many good intended followers have mistakenly thought that if they just believe, pray, and have faith, they will be freed from the bondage of addiction. This almost inevitably results in deeper immersion in the addiction.

Sure, God is able to heal a broken bone, but he still expects us to go to the emergency room along with praying and exercising faith to be healed. The same goes for mental and emotional wounds. Do not doubt that God is able to cure an addiction, but also know that he expects you to make use of all the means he has provided for you.

Do not listen to the lies of the adversary: that you are too far gone for hope; that you are not worthy of God's help; or that the atonement can apply to others but is not meant for healing you. I testify and promise that there is hope for everyone--yes, even you. There is an abundance of help available to you. If you have hope and take advantage of the help available, you will find complete healing.

Jumpstart Your Recovery

Moral Support: “Emotional or psychological backing, as opposed to material help.”

illustrated person pushing a large boulder labeled "pornography" up a hill

I am here to tell you that YES, there is hope! If you have been battling with pornography addiction for months, years, or decades, it often feels hopeless. Everything you have tried has failed. It seems like nothing will work and you cannot break free. But I am telling you--as one who has walked this path myself--there is hope. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it. Without hope, you will not be motivated to even try. Take courage in the fact that there are thousands of recovering addicts who thought they were beyond hope, and now they have a whole new life. A life filled with peace, joy, and hope.

Jumpstart Your Recovery

Finding help requires determination. Accepting help requires humility. For all those who are determined and humble, there is an abundance of help available to assist you in your quest to overcome pornography addiction. This help may come in various forms. Certain types of help may be more beneficial for some individuals than others. It is important to find what works for you given your personality, learning type, addiction severity, available resources, etc. Some examples of different types of help include in-person and virtual treatment, therapy and coaching, as well as free (or nearly free) support groups.

Jumpstart Your Recovery
  • Addiction therapy takes an addict from dysfunctional to functional


    Therapy takes you from dysfunctional to functional

  • Addiction coaching takes an addict from functional to optimal


    Coaching takes you from functional to optimal


how to stop watching porn

& experience true healing

victory over porn addiction is possible. learn how to stop watching porn

Complete healing from addiction is possible. This does not mean that you will get to a point in this life when you can let your guard down. It does not mean that you'll be able to stop trying every day. The natural man is with us for the duration of our mortal journey. Turning your weakness into a strength means you will be better prepared to fight, not that you will no longer need to fight. It does get easier with time, and true healing takes place.

Jumpstart Your Recovery

My vision: to offer Help, Hope, and Healing

in the war on pornography and sexual addiction

Hi, I’m Vincent Grosso, CPC, SRC, aka the Moral Support Coach…you can call me Coach Vinny!

It is my mission to educate, encourage, and empower youth and young adults to live morally clean lives in an immoral world. I am a Certified Professional Coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching as well a Sexual Recovery Coach through the American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy.

Focusing on a preventative approach, I provide moral support to anyone seeking to avoid or escape the grasp of pornography, masturbation and other destructive, addictive sexual behaviors. I offer hope, help, and healing to all who wish to live in this highly sexualized world without participating in the immoral behaviors promoted all around us. I have dedicated my life to improving the world by first being the change I wish to see, and then reaching out to support others.

I'd love to help if I can. Reach out to me for a free consultation.

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photo of pornography addiction recovery coach Vinny at the Trevi Fountain

My mission: to Educate, Encourage, and Empower

individuals who struggle to live a morally clean life

fight porn Today

To join the fight against porn, you'll need to get informed. I want to provide as many helpful resources as possible for those seeking freedom from addiction. While this site is dedicated specifically to pornography and sexual addiction, the key principles found here are helpful to people struggling with all forms of addiction. After all, no matter the specific acting out behavior, all addiction boils down to a common root cause: mismanaged emotions. Start reading from the recovery blog for free insights, recovery materials, and more. Join the fight!

Jumpstart Your Recovery
fighting addiction to pornography is like battling a powerful dragon
24 Sep, 2022
To achieve the outcome we desire, we must be persistent in our effort.
By Vinny Grosso, CPC, SRC 24 Sep, 2022
One of the most powerful tools in addiction recovery
24 Sep, 2022
What is plaguing the modern world in which we live today?
24 Sep, 2022
How to define and identify porn
battle armor is a symbol of being prepared to fight porn
15 Apr, 2015
How pornography addiction is like a war, and how to prepare for it.
A fierce and strong army represents the enemy in the war against pornography
15 Apr, 2015
The battle against pornography is growing more intense and challenging in our increasingly evil world.
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